02 June 2010

Ashes Fell Like Rain

Everything American Apparel, Shoes- Vintage

I am in love with the AA Ottoman Jacket. It's so comfortable and is perfect for those breezy days. This weekend was hectic! Especially at the mall with all of the Memorial Weekend sales. It was a mad house!

School is almost out and I can't wait! I've been itching for summer for the longest time. Just a few weeks left and ill be free!



  1. Such cute everything! I think your blog'll be super successful :)

    following you now, follow me?
    come by for a visit!

  2. That is awesome to hear Thank you very much! C:

  3. Omg you are beautiful, I wasn't sure whether to get the cream ottoman jacket or a different colour and when I saw it on you I am glad I did :)


I read all comments made and will take a look at your blog as well.